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Sahej Arora

Why businesses who only operate offline won’t make it - how to grow business online

We all know the fact that how rapidly business operations are changing, just a decade ago business used to work completely offline and then came Amazon and other online selling platforms that helped businesses list their products for sale. Businesses who took the opportunity and did it right way made huge profits back in the day.

amazon delivery woman

Then along with that came POS and inventory management software, people adopted them and noticed huge improvement in their work flow, they saved time, money and labor while also keeping track of their inventory.

pos software

Then came social media platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp. Similarly, people who adapted to it, got positive results.

a woman making social media content

Just like the few opportunities listed above, there have been countless opportunities that came and helped businesses who were smart enough to understand them, who took action and adapted them instead of watching their competitors flourish and only wanting to get the same success without really taking action.

You need to take action to be successful, just identifying an opportunity is not enough.

Businesses who adapt to the technology with time grow, and those who don’t stay behind.

Stay tuned because I am going to disclose a big opportunity today in this blog. Which can be a turning point for your business if implemented. 

First of all let’s understand Traditional marketing –Traditional marketing is marketing done through traditional modes such as Billboard ads, banners, Flyers, Newspaper Ads (Print marketing) Television Ads, Movie Interval Ads etc.

a shopping center with billboards and advertisements

But the problem with traditional marketing is that -

1. It is expensive.

2. You cannot track exactly how many people saw your ad, how many people bought your products/services after seeing your ad, etc.

and many other reports that can’t be generated in traditional marketing.

This is how you have been doing your marketing right? or worst case scenario? that you are not even doing any marketing.

Let me introduce you to the best and the most successful marketing strategy – Digital Marketing Just like the past opportunities (that you may have missed), Digital Marketing in a fresh opportunity that if you manage to adapt to, you will have an upper hand on your competition.

Digital Marketing is marketing done through digital platforms such as - website, social media, search engine optimization, emails, WhatsApp API, paid ads through Google or Meta, etc.

a computer showing digital marketing with a notepad under it on the desk

Digital marketing has many benefits over traditional marketing –

1. It is cost effective

2. It is for everyone

3. You can track each and everything you need - from tracking customer behavior, customer choices & interests, customer spending pattern, customer acquisition cost, etc...

to what product your customer is looking at, what product has the customer added to his/her cart, what buttons are they clicking, how much time are they spending on your website/app, how may customers viewed/clicked on your ad, how many customers bought from you through your ad, and so many other reports that you can use to exactly target your ideal customer.

A business is incomplete without reports because you can’t measure your results let alone improve them. Business is not a gamble, there is a difference in gambling and taking risks.

The best way to get into digital marketing for most businesses is building a website

a man making website on his macbook

because a website is a place where every information and every product/service of your business is listed and customers can interact just like they do when they buy from your store.

• If you want to do email marketing or WhatsApp API marketing – building a website would be the first step, because you need leads for sending marketing campaign to.

• If you want to do SEO (search engine optimization) - you need a website to rank it on google.

• If you want to do social media marketing - having a website beforehand will be really helpful.

• If you are running paid campaigns on Google or Meta – having a website and a landing page would be a must because according to reports, Ads which are redirected to websites or landing pages are 90% more successful than ads which are not.


Website is the base of Digital Marketing - which is the next big opportunity that I promised to disclose today in this blog.

Your business will thank you if you adapt to it within time.

If you don’t you will stay in the same old cycle of working hard all day and making the same sorry money that you bring home after barely being able to pay your bills and salaries. While hearing constant taunts from your family that “you don’t spend time with us”.

So, if you want to build a successful business where you make money while saving time for yourself and your family, you got to grab these opportunities and strategies that we disclose in our blogs every week!

So subscribe to our blogs so that you never miss an update.

In this blog we read about how countless opportunities to grow business online come and go everyday, and I also told you how digital marketing is the thing if you are serious about growing your business.

If you want to read about how you can start using digital marketing to boost your business step by step, read our next blog on – “How to start using Digital Marketing to Boost your business online. Step by step guide.”

That is all for today, we’ll see you again on another blog or personally in a meeting or on a call if you book services from us - which are by the way the most budget friendly services you can get for the professionalism and quality work we offer.

From building an exceptional, customized and modern website, branding for your business to managing your social media, doing SEO, we offer everything you need. We try our very best to be the helping hand for your business and to keep helping you in growing your business.

In the meantime, you can -

• Check out our other blogs.

• Stroll through our website to view lots of useful things for your business.

Follow us on socials to see us behind the scenes, how we run our business and daily tips and tricks to promote your business that no one tells you.

1 Comment

As expected from sahej, great research and insightful blog as always. I will definitely start using digital marketing to boost my business.

I want to build a website for my company as the first step!

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